Stef De Boeck


Stef is a young fifty-something, married and a father of two; he has recently enjoyed becoming a grandfather! His love of photography affords him the opportunity to travel frequently throughout country and city.

Career-wise, he has pursued many different ventures, always within the training sector; seventeen years in schools, then as any employee responsible for training in an industrial environment and the commercial sector. In 2011, he attended a course at the KU Leuven with the intention of becoming an NT2 teacher; this is what he has done ever since, whether within language schools and training centres (Lerian-Nti, Ceran, Atmetis, VDAB) or with his own clients. His experience in education has taught him to present ideas in a simple, understandable way. He is thoroughly convinced that learning a language should be enjoyable! A sense of humour, combined with appropriate care, patience and a variety of methods are his main teaching ingredients. Recently, a student told him ‘I woke up every morning happy to go to my Dutch class. It was, fun, interesting and I could feel my Dutch improve every day’.

Stef De Boeck